Fixing the West Bank
Those of us who are parked on the west bank, by the bungalows and the boathouse, know only too well that the ground is uneven and it can be difficult to manoeuvre the boats to and from the water. Having been in consultations with the Canal and River Trust (CRT) I am pleased to say that work will be undertaken this year to repair the West Bank.
The dates are still to be confirmed, but we expect the work to take place around early September and last for 6-8 weeks.
We do know that to complete the work the CRT will need to drop the water by 1.5m. At this stage, and until it happens, we don’t know if this will affect sailing – a decision will be made closer to the time.
It will also be necessary for all the boats parked on the bank to be moved for the duration of the work. To prepare for this the Harbour Master team will be tagging all the boats and noting their positions in both boat parks. In addition the overflow / dead boat park is going to be cleared of growth so that we can use that area as temporary storage.
We will also have to move the pontoons and if the opportunity arises we will look to undertake maintenance work while the water is low. Once we confirm the dates we will share more information regarding plans and ask for help moving boats, pontoons and undertaking maintenance.
New sailors needing boats
Over the weekend another class graduated from their training and are now keen to carry on sailing with the improvers. To help them, and possibly yourself, if you have a boat that you don’t sail and are interested in selling it, please get in touch as there is a market waiting for you.
I am happy to share around details that you provide, or if you would like to help valuing your boat, get in touch.
Being Social
Thanks to all who helped and made the *G*I*N* Dependence day a great success. We certainly had a great time and no doubt there will be a few of the favourite gins appearing behind the bar in the coming weeks.
Our next event will be announced soon, and we’re thinking Italian. Guarda questo spazio per maggiori dettagli
What’s happening…
The club relies on volunteers to give up their personal time and help the success of the club. Whilst we as members need to ensure we contribute, we must always respect those officers who do run our races and keep us safe each week.
Week Beginning 15/7/19
17/7 – 7.15pm Wednesday Racing – G4 – A Yates (OD), M Combes (AOD), E Maggs (S)
– 8pm Wednesday Evening Bar
20/7 – 2pm – 4pm Sailability & Level 1 & 2
– 4.30pm Saturday Afternoon Bar
21/7 – Sunday Training – Juniors & Improvers – Refresher
– 12:00 Sunday Racing – SUT5/B7/B8 N Ford (OD), P Lawson (AOD), D Walsh (S)
– 2pm – Silver Fleet Race
– 4.30pm Sunday Afternoon Bar
Week Beginning 22/7/19
24/7 – 7.15pm Wednesday Racing – G5 – T Hunter (OD), F Lui (AOD), P Jennings (S)
– 8pm Wednesday Evening Bar
27/7 – 2pm – 4pm Sailability & Level 1 & 2
– 4.30pm Saturday Afternoon Bar
28/7 – Sunday Training – Juniors & Improvers – Reaching
– 12:00 Sunday Racing – SUT3/B3/B4 P Dixey (OD), M Seaton (S)
– 2pm – Silver Fleet Race
– 4.30pm Sunday Afternoon Bar
All Duties are published online, and are also available in the clubhouse.
Olton Mere has invested in a system called ‘Dutyman’ which is an online tool for managing sailing duties. From here you’ll be able to request a duty swap or volunteer for a duty. Individual log in details are being sent out.
If you have not received your details, or want to find out more, please speak with one of the sailing committee.