Wednesday racing
Despite the holidays 17 boats came out to sail last Wednesday. They were rewarded by a good, but tricky, breeze. A short first leg meant that a good start was essential as the congested line and Simon and Chris risked a port flyer to see if it would pay off, and it very nearly did.
Tom tacked quickly through the first beat and got straight onto the next run in the lead. Reading the shifts well Tom managed to build on his lead and leave Chris and Simon behind. Simon, getting stranded on a mark, could only watch as Matt and Dan & I sailed past. The three of us had a good battle to the finish. It was Abi that came through at the end, taking us all on handicap.
Sunday Sailing
The contest for the Summer Triangle race continued on Sunday with 9 boats practicing and sailing against each other. With one more race to go the final places have still to be decided. Cameron pipped Dan to the win in the race, and both of them have the ability to discard big point next week. The question is… will it be enough to knock the Nygard Sisters from the top spots?
3 of the triangle sailors signed up for the Silver fleet and they were treated to a good, but long, race – a great introduction to main fleet sailing. Dan B was out in his full rig Laser, and showed that despite only just qualifying he was paying attention to his instructors and managed to beat Kathryn around the course. Kathryn took the win on handicap, but Dan S retains his lead in the series.
Long beats and good reaches helped the fleets around the course, and with a reduced number of boats those that did go out took full advantage. In the first race Chris got away leaving Steve to battle around with Matt and Abi for position on the water. Despite his best efforts Abi knocked him into second place.
In the second race Chris was reeled in and a close race between the National 12, the Laser and the Radial resulted in Abi taking the win, Steve second, and Chris settling for 4th, behind Tim. Chris holds on to the lead in the series, but Tom and Simon are hot on his heels and have discards to play with.
West Bank Work
The Canal and Rivers Trust started taking the water last week, but following a downpour the level actually rose! Currently the water is dropping less than planned, which is good for us as it will mean we will get additional sailing, unless the tap is opened more. I’ll keep you informed when I know more.
Italian Night
Work Party 10th August
In preparation for the West Bank Work we are having a work party on Saturday 10th August. The aim will be to clear away the growth from the overflow and move the older boats from the West Bank.
Please help out from 10am, wearing appropriate footwear and clothing. Tools will be provided.
What’s happening…
The club relies on volunteers to give up their personal time and help the success of the club. Whilst we as members need to ensure we contribute, we must always respect those officers who do run our races and keep us safe each week.
Week Beginning 5/8/19
7/8 – 7.15pm Wednesday Racing – G7 – D Florence (OD), L Florence (AOD), T Hunter (S)
– 8pm Wednesday Evening Bar
10/8 – 2pm – 4pm Level 1 & 2
– 4.30pm Saturday Afternoon Bar
11/8 – 12:00 Sunday Racing – SUT8/B13/B14 P Gidley (OD), R Clarke (AOD), S Jellicoe (S)
– 2pm – Silver Fleet Race
– 4.30pm Sunday Afternoon Bar
Week Beginning 12/8/19
14/8 – 7.15pm Wednesday Racing – G8 – G Sunderland (OD), W Sunderland (AOD), J Sunderland (S)
– 8pm Wednesday Evening Bar
17/8 – 2pm – 4pm Level 1 & 2
– 4.30pm Saturday Afternoon Bar
18/8 – Junior & Improver Sailing
– 12:00 Single Handed Regatta C Troth (OD), S Nygard (AOD), D Roberts (S)
– 2pm – Silver Fleet Race
– 4.30pm Sunday Afternoon Bar
All Duties are published online, and are also available in the clubhouse.
Olton Mere has invested in a system called ‘Dutyman’ which is an online tool for managing sailing duties. From here you’ll be able to request a duty swap or volunteer for a duty. Individual log in details are being sent out.
If you have not received your details, or want to find out more, please speak with one of the sailing committee.