Olton Mere News


Return to Racing Guidelines for Olton Mere Sailing Club

In line with lifting of the lockdown restrictions and a review of the revised RYA guidance we have progressed our phased return to sailing and extended the racing programme. With effect from Sunday 12 July there will be two races on Sundays and one race on Wednesdays.

The racing will be different to the usual racing programme that we are all so familiar with, but it represents a return to the competitive sailing that we have been missing.

On Sundays there will be two 45minute pursuit races, based off a scratch PY of 1200 published below. The first race will start at 14:00 and the two races will be run back to back.

On Wednesdays there will be a single 45minute pursuit race, based off a scratch PY of 1200 published below and starting at 19:00.

Before visiting, ask yourself if you are fit to visit? Please do not attend the club site if you, or anyone in your household is feeling unwell or has any of the Covid-19 symptoms.

Please read the new racing guidelines carefully.

  • The number of sailors per race will be unlimited
  • Boats with a PY greater than 1200 can enter, but must start off scratch
  • Sailors must use their own boats
  • Sailors to arrive and depart in their sailing gear – the changing rooms remain closed until further notice
  • You must “sign on” electronically for the racing, please do this before arriving at the Club. You will need to register for the Sunday and Wednesday races at https://sailevent.net/enter/omsc and you will then receive an email on the day of the race asking you to sign on for the day’s racing. You will receive a confirmation email once you have completed the signing on process.
  • It is not possible to sign on at the OD box
  • The course will be displayed on the Clubhouse window or on one of the picnic benches.
  • You will need to bring your own pen/sticker to write the course on.
  • The metal course number boards will not be displayed from the OD box
  • The OD box is closed to all but the Officer of the Day
  • An experienced Safety Officer (equipped with PPE) will launch and be on standby in a single safety boat, this boat will remain moored to one of the pontoons. The familiar method of lifting sailors into the Safety boat will be deployed as a last resort only, other methods will be attempted first according to the situation.
  • Once rigged, please sail away from the pontoon as quickly as you can to allow others to launch
  • Please strictly follow the social distancing guidelines on the pontoons. No more than 4 boats on the two straight pontoons and 5 boats on the “T” pontoon at any one time.
  • The Safety Officer may assist the Officer of the Day with the results at the end of the race
  • These races do not count towards any of the series in the Sailing Programme
  • Results will be published by email asap.

The above racing plan will be reviewed frequently, and it may be necessary to make amendments. We reserve the right to cancel Racing if we assess the conditions would likely overwhelm our Safety provision.

Matt Seaton – Commodore

© Copyright 2019 Olton Mere Sailing Club